Association for Interactive Democracy (LiquidFeedback) in Bogotá, Colombia 

news :: 2015
by Axel Kistner on August 06, 2015

The Office of the High Commissioner for Peace (OACP) to the Colombian government has invited Andreas Nitsche, Board Member of Interaktive Demokratie e. V. - Association for Interactive Democracy to attend the conference “Conectados por la Paz” in Bogotá, Colombia on August 5, 2015. Public officials and advisors from different agencies of the national government and members of civil society organizations, examined the role that ICT could play in the promotion of citizen engagement during the implementation of the agreements that result from the current peace negotiations between the Colombian Government and the FARC.

“Citizen participation appears to be of particular importance to guarantee the acceptance, legitimacy and sustainability of the peace building efforts. ICTs allow moving beyond the level of information to participation and real citizen empowerment.”, says Nitsche, “In this context credibility of the participation process and trustworthy results are mission critical, a challenge LiquidFeedback has always given the highest consideration.”

The event showcased platforms and technologies developed both by national and international organizations to promote citizen participation. Nitsche joined an expert panel to debate the challenges of participation and the potential use of technologies to promote citizen involvement in the context of the construction of peace. The event was organized by the OACP and the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MinTIC) with support from Fundacion Ideas para la Paz.

About LiquidFeedback and Interaktive Demokratie e. V.

LiquidFeedback is an independent open source project published under MIT license by the Public Software Group of Berlin, Germany. LiquidFeedback is not affiliated with any political party or movement. The developers of LiquidFeedback have teamed up in the Interaktive Demokratie e. V. - Association for Interactive Democracy to promote the use of electronic media for democratic processes.


Additional Information


LiquidFeedback: Introducción (Español)

LiquidFeedback: Introduction (English)

Sergio Jaramillo: Intervención en el evento Conectados por la Paz (Español)

Sergio Jaramillo: The Colombian Transition LSE lecture (English)

The Peace Process

Sergio Jaramillo: La Paz Territorial
PDF (Español)

Julián Arévalo: Nuevas Tecnologías y Construcción de Paz
PDF (Español)

Press Releases and Articles

“El proceso debe llevar a espacios de inclusión desde la tecnología” - Sergio Jaramillo
OACP Press Release August 5, 2015 (Español)

Press Release: “Conectados por la Paz”, tecnología, participación y diálogos de paz
FiP Press Release August 5, 2015 (Español)

Paz con TIC: tres iniciativas para activar la participación ciudadana
VICE/¡PACIFISTA! August 6, 2015 (Español)